Many retailers have moved away from providing personalized plastic bags to their customers due to environmental concerns. For some, the act has been voluntary, while others have found themselves subject to new laws enacted by an ever-increasing number of cities and regions that restrict or limit the use of plastic shopping bags.
However, a large number of consumers are still demanding them when they shop, so many retailers have been reluctant to remove them altogether as an option for packing purchases. Grocery stores are especially loathe to give them up entirely, since they are an inexpensive, durable and convenient means for bagging groceries, and because they are often easier to carry than Personalized paper shopping bags.
Balancing the need between preserving the environment with meeting the needs of customers can be tricky. But if you are among the number of retailers that doesn't want to eliminate the option of offering imprinted plastic shopping bags to customers, you can still do your part for the environment. Here are eight ways that advertisers and retailers can encourage responsible plastic bag use with consumers:
1) Persuade customers to bring their own bags when they shop. This will cut down on the number of bags that you give out to customers.
2) Encourage customers to re-use plastic shopping bags. They're strong and hygienic and can reasonably be used several times or even more if they're kept clean and dry.
3) Charge an enviro-fee. Some cities have already mandated this, but if yours hasn't, consider doing it voluntarily. By charging even just a few cents for each bag, you'll make customers think about how much they really need to use one, and they'll also be more likely to re-use it for future shopping trips.
4) Offer an incentive. This can be given in the form of a small discount for bringing in reusable bags for shopping or creating a contest to encourage responsible bag use.
5) Set up a plastic bag recycling depot in your store. Then encourage your customers to bring in their old ones for recycling, after they've re-used them several times, of course!
6) Help customers to find other uses for plastic bags. Plastic bags can, and should be re-used as many times as possible. Besides bringing them back for subsequent shopping trips, they can be used in place of commercial garbage bags for lining garbage cans at home, picking up pet waste and even for artwork.
7) Educate customers on issues related to plastic bag recycling. Every community is a little bit different in its approach to managing plastic bag waste. Find out where your local recycling depots are located and what kinds of things they accept. Know what your local laws and by-laws are regarding recycling and plastic bag use. Get to know your own community and then share this information with your customers in an engaging and memorable way.
8) Switch to non petroleum-based biodegradable plastic shopping bags. These types are generally made from corn starch, a natural and renewable product that breaks down much faster than a traditional plastic bag. They can even be composted! carries dozens of different styles, colors and sizes of Personalized plastic bags that are ideal both for in-store purchases and for special events and trade shows. We even carry a line of biodegradable plastic bags. Art Promos is proud to encourage responsible imprinted plastic shopping bag use.